System architect

Just like with a house, a well-thought-out design is the foundation before building IT systems and networks. The system architect applies this principle when constructing an IT infrastructure.
A system architect designs the entire system with all IT solutions for an organization. The system architect looks at all IT components that together cover the IT needs of the organization. Changed user needs are addressed by the system architect with new solutions that logically integrate with the existing system.
A system architect is honest, professional, customer-oriented, and thinks in terms of structure. As a system architect, you align with the strategic goals of an organization. You develop solutions while striving to minimize complexity.
A system architect has knowledge of network and computer systems, technical infrastructures of hardware and software, web portals, firewalls, and internet and intranet connections.
Organizations with a complex IT infrastructure will particularly hire system architects. This can also be through a consulting firm.
A system architect asks the right questions and is a good listener. The system architect creates coherence and can clearly explain why a proposed solution was chosen.